Velo strengths – how does it work?

Velo strengths – how does it work?

Mar 24, 2024Nico Pouch

Many of our customers ask about Velo's nicotine strength. Especially after Velo have launched their Sensation series (all with 6 grades) So we thought that it would be good with a short article that explains Velos gradings.

All manufacturers indicate the nicotine strength in at least four steps - from low to extra strong nicotine content. Many brands, such as Volt and Loop, have added a fifth step Here at Nico&Pouch we call the fifth step for Super Strong. But Velo has gone one step further and grades their pouches on a six-point scale. At present, only their Freeze series uses the sixth step - Velo Freeze Max.

Velo strengths on the new packaging

On the newly designed (2024) packs, the six-point scale is always visible. This has led to some confusion. Can Velo's grading still be compared to the compatitors? Do the six levels mean that weak has become weaker, or is regular still regular? The answer is yes on both questions. Velo's strengths are still completely comparable to other brands. That is, Low is still Low and regular is still regular. The only thing that has changed is that they now leave room for something we could call hyper strong, or max strong pouches. As mentioned, only the Freeze series use the 6th step today, but who knows, maybe we will see more really strong pouches from Velo in 2024?

General nicotine pouch strength gradation

The gradation system for most brands typically ranges from low to extra strong. Below we have put together a breakdown of the most common strengths and how much nicotine strength they usually contain.

1. Low Strength

Low strength nicotine pouches are for new users or those who prefer a milder nicotine experience. These pouches usually contain a minimal amount of nicotine, often around 2-4 mg per pouch. They are ideal for people looking to reduce their nicotine consumption or who are sensitive to nicotine’s effects. See all our Low strength nicotine pouches

2. Regular Strength

Regular strength pouches serve as a middle ground for users. With nicotine content typically ranging from 6-8 mg per pouch, they offer a moderate nicotine kick without being too overwhelming. This strength is popular among regular users who seek a balanced experience. See all our Regular strength nicotine pouches

3. Strong

Strong nicotine pouches are designed for experienced users who require a higher nicotine dosage. These pouches usually contain around 12-14 mg of nicotine each, delivering a potent nicotine rush. They are not recommended for new users or those with a low tolerance for nicotine. See our range of Strong nicotine pouches

4. Extra Strong

Extra strong nicotine pouches are at the higher end of the spectrum, containing upwards of 16 mg of nicotine per pouch or even more. This category is tailored for seasoned users with a high tolerance for nicotine, seeking the most intense experience possible from their nicotine pouch. See our range of Extra Strong nicotine pouches

Additional strengths

Some brands, sucha as Velo, Loop and Volt, has gone a step further and added additional grades. Sometimes these are marked with a fifth or a 6th dot. The naming are sometimes Super Strong or Hyper Strong. Typically these pouches have a nicotine strength above 16 mg / pouch. At Nico&Pouch we classify all these pouches as "Super strong". See our range of Super strong nicotine pouches

About Velo

Velo is one of the original nicotine pouch brands. They have become known for being one of the most innovative and marketing savvy companies in the business. The ir biggest success lies within their minty flavours. Freeze X Strong, Freeze Max and Ice cool are some of their biggest selling products. They are also known for having a huge selection of pouches that fits the needs for all types of users. See our range of Vole pouches here. What all their pouches have in common is that they are made with the highest quality standards. See our range of Velo nicotine pouches here

About Nico&Pouch

Nico&Pouch is an online shop based in "the capital of nicotine pouches" Stockholm, Sweden. We are located in the vicinity of manufacturers and brands such as Swedish Match (ZYN, Swave and Volt), Another Snus Factory (LOOP) and Kelly White. As Swedes, we are quite proud of this small but great innovation that has helped thousands of people of quit smoking. 

With Nico & Pouch, we want to support the growing interest in all-white nicotine pouches in Europe. We have aimed to create a site that should be easy to use and where you easily can find your favorite product. We have secure payments through Viva Payments that guarantees safe payments, and we use UPS for all our European shipments. All in all, we want to offer a secure and convenient way for you to shop nicotine pouches, wherever you are in Europe.

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