Velo Ice cool is now called Crispy Peppermint

Velo Ice Cool Mint Slim is Now Velo Crispy Peppermint!

We know that there are a lot of fans to Velo Ice Cool among our customers. As with many of Velo's pouches, Ice Cool Velo has undergone a name and design change, and is now called Velo Cripsy Peppermint. We understand that this change might cause some confusion, so we thought it might be good to write a few words to clarify things. So, first, the product remains exactly the same—only the name and the design of the can have changed. 

Why the Change from Velo Ice Cool?

The rebranding to Velo Crispy Peppermint is part of Velo's effort to harmonize their product line-up across their markets, and to better capture the flavor character and of the pouches. According to Velo, the new name should now better reflect the bold and refreshing experience of the ppouch.

What's the Same?

Unchanged Formula: The contents of the can are identical to what you enjoyed with Velo Ice Cool. The same high-quality nicotine pouches with the strong, refreshing peppermint flavor is still inside. Velo Crispy Peppermint delivers the same intense peppermint taste and the reliable nicotine delivery. So, you can easily continue to trust Velo Crispy Peppermint for a great pouch experience.

What's New?

  • New Name: Velo Ice Cool is now Velo Crispy Peppermint.
  • New Design: The can features a fresh, bold, modern look, making it stand out in the crowed nicotine pouch space.

Buying Velo Crispy Peppermint at Nico&Pouch

At Nico&Pouch we will gradually switch over to Velo's new design as Velo deliver starts to distribute the “new” pouches. The switch started in spring 2024 and might continue over the summer. 

Thank you for continuing to choose Nico&Pouch and Velo for your nicotine pouch needs. We’re excited about this rebranding and hope you enjoy the fresh new look of Velo Crispy Peppermint.



About Nico&Pouch

We are based in what we call the capital of nicotine pouches – Stockholm, Sweden in the vicinity of manufacturers and brands such as Swedish Match (ZYN, Swave and Volt), Another Snus Factory (LOOP) and Kelly White. As Swedes, we are quite proud of this small but great innovation that has helped thousands of people of quit smoking.

Tried and tested

Like many other Swedes, our history with nicotine pouches goes a long way back. In fact, it began long before the nicotine pouch even was invented. Then the product we used was called snus. Like the nicotine pouch, snus has a lot of nicotine in it, but is based on tobacco and therefore may not be sold outside of Sweden and Norway. But in 2014 the nicotine pouch was launched. The nicotine pouches proved to have many advantages over the traditional snus – no stains on the teeth and no bad breath to name a few. We, like many others, decided to give up snus and switch to nicotine pouches. So, over the years we at Nico&Pouch have learned a thing or two about snus and nicotine pouches. The selection of pouches we sell have all been tried by us.

With Nico & Pouch, we want to support the growing interest in all-white nicotine pouches in Europe. We have aimed to create a site that should be easy to use and  to find your favorite product. We have a secure payment system that guarantees safe payments, and we use UPS for all our European shipments. All in all, we want to offer a secure and convenient way for you to shop nicotine pouches, wherever you are in Europe.

We also try to answer the most common questions about nicotine pouches in our chat and FAQ page. If you have any questions regarding our products, payments or shipments, you can use the contact details below and we will respond as quickly as possible.

Whether you use our products as a way to quit smoking, or for pure enjoyment, we hope you’ll enjoy our products as much as we do.