Stop unlawful banning of nicotine pouches in the EU!

Stop unlawful banning of nicotine pouches in the EU!

Dec 02, 2023Nico Pouch

Tobacco-related diseases put a heavy burden on society with premature deaths and increased healthcare expenditure, and increased costs related to productivity losses 

According to a WHO report, tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year, including an estimated 1.3 million non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke. The total healthcare cost related to tobacco use is estimated to be a whopping US$ 1.4 trillion per year – equivalent in magnitude to 1.8% of the world's annual gross domestic product.

The estimated direct and indirect costs of smoking for EU/EFTA countries is €97.7 billion, of which the direct costs of smoking are €49.83 billion, according to Smoke Free Partnership

Thanks to snus and nicotine pouches, Sweden has had a successful battle against cigarettes for years. As a result, the Swedish Public Health authority announced that in 2022 the number of smokers reduced by an extra point to 5.6 per cent of the population. As such, Swedish smoking prevalence of 5,6% is one-fourth of the EU average of 23% and is the lowest in the EU and one of the lowest in the World (source: EU Reporter)

This puts Sweden on the podium of the countries with greater smoking declines, ahead of the EU and the world. As a result, the country is well ahead of the European Cancer Plan's goal of a "smoke-free generation" by 2040, which aims to reduce the number of smokers in Europe to 5 per cent of the population.

So what do EU think about this. Well, forces within the EU are now trying to, unlawfully, ban nicotine pouches! ?

Nicotine pouches under attack in EU

The EU Commission now wants to impose further restrictions on alternative nicotine products such as nicotine pouches and vapes. This will make it more difficult to address the dangers of smoking as, for example, nicotine pouches have been shown to be very effective for smoking cessation (the most obvious examples being Sweden and Norway, which have the lowest smoking rates in Europe).

Ahead of the WHO's session on tobacco control (COP-10), there has been worrying news that the European Commission has proposed to exclude Member States and the European Parliament from the negotiations. According to Swedish MEP Sara Skyttedal, the proposal gives the Commission the opportunity to change the EU's position, which is unprecedented.
The Commission's behaviour is contrary to legislative procedures, as it forces member states to adopt international rules without their consent, by binding them as signatories to the tobacco control session (COP10).

We believe that tobacco policy in the EU should be conducted just like any other legislative procedure, i.e. with the approval of the EU Parliament. Stop unlawful banning of nicotine pouches in the EU!

Let your voice drive change!

Do you like democratically made decisions? Are you someone who managed to quit smoking through alternative nicotine products? Or are you one of the millions who like your snus and nicotine pouches? Then you should make your voice heard and call on the European Commission to act transparently and follow democratic processes. Let the will of the European people be heard through their elected representatives.
You have the power to shape the future of public health in Europe, and we urge you not to remain silent. This is what we suggest you do:

Write a complaint to DG SANTE

Make your voice heard! Write a complaint to DG SANTE and express your dissatisfaction with their behavior. Be clear and firm - your voice cannot be ignored. You can write the following to DG SANTE:

  • How is the European Commission responding to concerns about its agenda for COP10 and its impact on democratic principles and member states' rights?

  • Why is the Commission taking actions that could undermine international commitments and require legislative changes without the consent of Member States?

  • How does the Commission justify imposing restrictions on nicotine pouches and vapes, given their effectiveness in reducing smoking in Europe?

Contact DG SANTE at the following email address:

Contact your European parliamentary representative 

The parliamentarian serves as a direct link between your national parliament and the EU. By reaching out to them, you enable the discussion of this message within the European parliament.

Reach out to your country’s parliamentarians by clicking here.

NOTE: The idea and parts of the above text are taken from in order to spread the message and stop the EU Sante DG's attempt to bypass the democratic process and introduce restrictions on nicotine pouches. 

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